Now hang on, if you are thinking this is going to be a post to support the silencing of all students while eating lunch in the cafeteria, you are wrong. Well, maybe. In my 7 years as an educator, I've never been a proponent of taking away recess time and/or asking students to not talk during lunch. I've always felt those times are their times. Times during the day when they don't have to deal with us teachers. When they can freely interact with their peers, build social relationships, chew the cud if you will. I don't think we need to turn our cafeterias into this... Perhaps I've had a slight change of heart the past few days. You see, my fifth graders decided not to make the best choices in their short jaunt to the cafeteria. They sounded like a high school marching band marching down the hallway. I decided to bring down the hammer. Silent lunch for the first 15 minutes. It was wonderful. The students finished their l...
A blog about my thinking as an educational leader to help me organize my thinking and see what you think about my thinking...I think. Follow me on Twitter! @Mr_Braden