I read a tweet the other day by @realscientists that said, "We've raised a generation of people who can DO math, but most don't UNDERSTAND what they're doing..." and if I could have made a standing ovation tweet, I would have. Perfectly said. Maybe the tweet had such an impact on me because it is something I noticed this year in my classroom. One example in particular is that my students do a pretty good job with the math but are struggling with the problems. In other words, they can find a NUMBER but they struggle to find an ANSWER to a problem. I have a few theories as to why this is happening and what we can do to fix it. One, they are terrified of failing. They've gone through hardcore testing for at least 3 years now and because of the stakes of those tests and their fear of failing them, they have allowed that to bleed into their every day academic lives and are now governed by it. Two, they've never had to. This isn't a dog on t...
A blog about my thinking as an educational leader to help me organize my thinking and see what you think about my thinking...I think. Follow me on Twitter! @Mr_Braden