I'm going to try a new experiment. Every Friday, I'm going to tell you about some things that have peaked my interest throughout the week. Some of the things that I share with you will be education related, some will have absolutely nothing to do with education. The reason I am doing this is that when I find something new that I like, I get so passionate about it it's hard for me to not blab about to everybody I see, every time I open my mouth. This will provide me that release. I hope you enjoy! Feel free to comment at the bottom! Friday Finds (yo) ! Article I've enjoyed: Why It Never Helps to Pass The Buck by Michael Hyatt Outlines 6 Battle Tested Leadership Lessons from the Navy SEALS A SEAL he talks about is Jocko Willink who continues to pop up on my twitter feed, podcasts that I listen to and articles that I am reading which seems interesting to me. Pretty fascinatingly rough and tough dude. Check him out....
A blog about my thinking as an educational leader to help me organize my thinking and see what you think about my thinking...I think. Follow me on Twitter! @Mr_Braden