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The Braden Bin

Welcome to the second installment of The Braden Bin, formerly known as Friday Finds.  Yep, week two and the name has already changed.  For those that know me know that it is likely to change a few dozen more times.  Just the way I am.  I'm comfortable with it.

(Haha, by the way, I actually changed the title AGAIN, while writing this blog.  It was Ben's Bin.  Oh me oh my.)

Music I'm Jamming To:  Coming Home by Leon Bridges

  • A blast from the past out of Ft. Worth,Texas.  That's right, not Detroit in the '60s...Ft. Worth, Texas - 2016.  Most of you probably have heard of him already but if you haven't, I'd suggest getting on the bandwagon now.  This guy is amazing and is only going to gain more popularity.  I cannot wait for his next album to come out.
  • If you are into Vinyl, I strongly suggest picking this one up.  
  • Bonus:  Lisa Sawyer by Leon Bridges

What I'm watching:  German Coast Guard - what are you sinking about...

  • Did you LOL?  I know I LOL'd when I first saw this.  Nay, I LOL everytime I see it.  
  • This video reminds me of the importance of clarifying my message when I am interacting with people.  Not everybody has the same background experiences, tone, language, etc. which means that you can have the most kind natured message that can easily get lost in translation if you do not take into account who you are relaying your message to and how you are relaying it.
  • The message is important but it's going to go over like a lead balloon if the delivery isn't on point.  (See origin of lead balloon at the end of this post!)

What I'm reading:  The Scientific Method is a Myth 

  • I first heard this the other day while at the principal meeting for our district from the elementary science coordinator.  It almost made me mad.  Ok, it made me mad.  Somewhere, deep down in my non scientific soul, I thought the Scientific Method was what drove innovation since the invention of the wheel.  The reason people live longer.  The driving force for all of those homemade volcanoes.  Turns out, the Scientific Method, as we know it, is a myth and it all makes sense!  

What I'm learning about:  Restorative Discipline

  • I know it's easy to say this and said far too often by people who are afraid of change, but this is something we already do a lot of at my school.  I think it's why the culture is so amazing between the staff and students.  However, I only know the very tip of the iceberg that is Restorative Discipline.  
  •  and myself () will be exploring this topic over the next few months.  We hope we can utilize it in our day to day.  
What I'm thinking about:
  • I've always been fascinated with word and phrase origins.  I heard three this week that I've always used but only now took the time to find out their true meaning.
  • In an email to a staff member, I said, "This should be right up your wheelhouse!" Where does "wheelhouse" come from?  
    • The wheelhouse is the pilot house on a boat.  They are small spaces with great visibility where the captain is always in control and is prepared to face any situations he/she may encounter while in a sail (in a sail?).  So, naturally, if something is in ones "wheelhouse" he/she has total control over it.  Is comfortable with it and an expert at it.  BOOM!
  • Yesterday I listened to a nurse speak about lice.  She called the eggs of a lice a "Nit" and then mentioned the word "picking" in the same sentence.  Nitpicking.  Nitpicking is the act of finding fault in something.  The origin of the phrase is explained here.  
  • Origin of the phrase, "go over like a lead balloon".

UPDATE:  My mobile office is being utilized and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!


  1. I have a cart too! I started using mine in January and I love it so much. Yours is taller, did you score it at school or somewhere else? Love learning with you.

  2. I got it at school. It's tall which I am thankful for. Who would have thought a stand up desk could be so revolutionary??

  3. I'd be interested in joining the boys club to explore restorative discipline, too. Are girls allowed? Enjoyed your blog!

    1. Of course! I don't want to speak for Cody and Scott but I'm pretty sure we can agree, the more the merrier!

  4. Glad to hear I sparked your curiosity about the scientific method AND it all makes sense! Burn those posters!!!

  5. Burn those posters! Thanks for taking the time to read my blog!

  6. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog and following the links! Thanks for sharing


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