What I'm Reading: Teaching the Teachers Some things that stuck out to me... I, in no way, was really prepared to be a teacher my first year. Thankfully I had a great and supportive group around me at Isle of Hope elementary school in Savannah, GA! I loved the part about how good teaching can erase some of the negative effects of poverty on children. I couldn't agree more with that. Unfortunately, recruiting and retaining "great" teachers at high poverty schools is very hard. You have to have a desire to work with our kids and not all people have that. That's ok. I want to hire people who want to work with our students. Our students deserve that. Traditional forms of Professional Development sucks. Teachers, for the most part, HATE it. Ok, when I was a teacher, for the most part, I HATED it. But, then again, I wasn't the best student when I was in school. I think it's just the way it i...
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