What I'm Reading: Teaching the Teachers
Some things that stuck out to me...
I, in no way, was really prepared to be a teacher my first year. Thankfully I had a great and supportive group around me at Isle of Hope elementary school in Savannah, GA!
Some things that stuck out to me...
I, in no way, was really prepared to be a teacher my first year. Thankfully I had a great and supportive group around me at Isle of Hope elementary school in Savannah, GA!
That's ok.
I want to hire people who want to work with our students. Our students deserve that.
Traditional forms of Professional Development sucks. Teachers, for the most part, HATE it. Ok, when I was a teacher, for the most part, I HATED it. But, then again, I wasn't the best student when I was in school. I think it's just the way it is delivered.
We can sit in a professional development about bringing movement and activity into the classroom and never leave our seat for 8 hours.
Traditional forms of Professional Development sucks. Teachers, for the most part, HATE it. Ok, when I was a teacher, for the most part, I HATED it. But, then again, I wasn't the best student when I was in school. I think it's just the way it is delivered.
I think this guy explains it all better than I ever could....
We can sit in a professional development about bringing movement and activity into the classroom and never leave our seat for 8 hours.
Practice what you preach + information/practices that will make teachers teach better + something they can use the very next day in their classroom to improve the learning outcomes of their students = a happy teacher who has bought in.
What I'm Reading *Bonus: Why This Teacher Says More Classrooms Should Be Modeled After Gangs
It's AMAZING how life works. Literally just sat down with a couple of higher ups from the district to see how we can reach a group of our students who, up to this point, have been pretty darn hard to reach. I am looking forward to reading this book as soon as break starts.
The author of the book is a great follow on Twitter - @chrisemdin
What I'm Watching: The Switch
Not a soccer fan and I'm not sure I totally understand the celebrity/popularity of Cristiano Ronaldo but this is an AWESOME commercial. Long, but I suggest watching it all! It is VERY inspirational!
Quote I've Been Thinking About:
From Hemingway's Old Man and the Sea (my favorite book of all time).
"She is kind and very beautiful. But she can be so cruel and it comes so suddenly and such birds that fly, dipping and hunting, with their small sad voices are made too delicately for the sea."
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