What I'm reading:
- As a lover of sports, I kind of get it. As an educator, I don't. Perhaps it's because the next burb over has THIS to play in now. Maybe they think it will entice people to move there? Honestly, I'm very happy Plano residents didn't have to make that decision in a recent bond election.
- Anyways, it's nice to get recognition in the New York Times, but I wonder if they wish it had more to do with, I don't know, something educational?
Music I'm jamming to: Mr. Little Jeans - Good Mistake
What I'm Watching:
- Avery had her 3rd lung surgery (4th surgery overall) last week. We recently learned that it was a successful surgery, the tumor was removed and there were clean margins! Anyways, before her first surgery, the doctor warned us that it would be important for her to use exercise her lungs in the first few days after the surgery in order to help them heal. Avery had shown a proclivity to playing the harmonica around the house prior to the first surgery so we thought, why not bring it to the hospital?
- She certainly had a few jam sessions on that hospital bed but none as #Powerful as the session we captured on video below. As you can see in the second video, the nurses caught wind of her performance and stopped by for a peak.
- P.S. We have NO IDEA how she learned those idiosyncrasies of a harp jammer.

- My last few years in the classroom, right around this time of the year, I would put a countdown on my board that my students weren't always fond of. Rather than counting down the days until the last day of school, we counted down the days until the first day of school, next year.
- Of course, summer break is one of the greatest perks of being an educator. A chance to recharge, spend time with family, relax, etc. But, as I've said in past posts, I really really love school. I love the people I work with - both adults and students. Change your mindset, make a difference.
What I'm Eating:
- I know, who cares what I'm eating? But, I'm eating something, right now, that has compelled me to start a new category on The Braden Bin.
- I just had Tacos from Fiesta (the grocery store) brought to me and they are, without a doubt, the best tacos I've ever eaten. I had NO IDEA they had tacos at Fiesta.
- If you said there are better tacos somewhere else, I'd call you a professional fib maker.
- If you live anywhere near a Fiesta Mart, go get ya a taco...tell them Ben sent you.
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