So, I've been thinking about this post a lot of the past few weeks. It finally came together this morning when I was asked what my #OneWord2017 was. Without further ado....
We just came home from the hospital and my daughter's last round of chemo! After 5 surgeries, 19 cycles and 106 administrations of some type of chemo drug, her tumor marker is finally normal and it has been normal for the past few months. While we know we have a long way to go before we can breathe again, I consider this a victory and I hope that we will remain victorious in 2017.
Did you know that Nike was the goddess of Victory in Greek mythology?
I'm sure you know that Nike's slogan is "Just Do It" which brings me to my next point and one of my new year resolutions....
Throughout this ordeal with our daughter A LOT of VERY well meaning people have told us, "Hey, if there is anything I can do, let me know." and others that have said "Dinner will be on your doorstep at 6:00 pm" or "We are coming up to the hospital at 1:00 pm". While I appreciate the heck out of the former for even thinking about us, I really learned something from the latter and that is - JUST DO IT. When somebody you love finds themselves in crisis, they don't have time to "let you know what you can do for them" - they don't even know what to do themselves. Just like you don't want to "put them out" or "intrude" they don't want to "put you out".
In 2017, I'm going to just do it.
Things that I may be hesitant about, I'm just going to do it.
Helping others when they are in need? Just do it.
Reading every night before bed? Just do it.
Celebrating every day of life, working with children and amazing adults? Just do it.
Becoming a restorative discipline practitioner? Just do it.
Being a champion for underrepresented kids and their families? Just do it.
Happy New Year everybody. Let's be victorious in 2017, together.
We just came home from the hospital and my daughter's last round of chemo! After 5 surgeries, 19 cycles and 106 administrations of some type of chemo drug, her tumor marker is finally normal and it has been normal for the past few months. While we know we have a long way to go before we can breathe again, I consider this a victory and I hope that we will remain victorious in 2017.
Did you know that Nike was the goddess of Victory in Greek mythology?
I'm sure you know that Nike's slogan is "Just Do It" which brings me to my next point and one of my new year resolutions....
Throughout this ordeal with our daughter A LOT of VERY well meaning people have told us, "Hey, if there is anything I can do, let me know." and others that have said "Dinner will be on your doorstep at 6:00 pm" or "We are coming up to the hospital at 1:00 pm". While I appreciate the heck out of the former for even thinking about us, I really learned something from the latter and that is - JUST DO IT. When somebody you love finds themselves in crisis, they don't have time to "let you know what you can do for them" - they don't even know what to do themselves. Just like you don't want to "put them out" or "intrude" they don't want to "put you out".
In 2017, I'm going to just do it.
Things that I may be hesitant about, I'm just going to do it.
Helping others when they are in need? Just do it.
Reading every night before bed? Just do it.
Celebrating every day of life, working with children and amazing adults? Just do it.
Becoming a restorative discipline practitioner? Just do it.
Being a champion for underrepresented kids and their families? Just do it.
Happy New Year everybody. Let's be victorious in 2017, together.
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