I read an article today titled,
Teen coke dealer turns down chance to avoid criminal record
Think about that for a moment.
The judge offered the young man an opportunity to participate in a Restorative Justice "scheme" in which the boy turned down. The opportunity to take part in this program, according to the article, would have spared him a sentence and a criminal record.
You see, when we dole out punishments, it keeps the offender in a passive role. They are really never held accountable for their wrong - doing. We think that if we reign down punishment on people they will suffer which means in the future they will be less likely to commit the same offense. It's simply not true and that school of thought is not backed by evidence.
Now, while I do not know what this Restorative Justice "scheme" would have looked like, I do know that the young man would have been asked to take a more active role and would have had to likely sit down with some people and really work the problem out. He would have been held accountable.
It's easier to sit back and be punished than it is to actually be held accountable for one's actions.
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